Never satisfied but interested in the next new solution or idea. And I'm tired of seeing the countless sheep all say the exact same stuff about all MBTI types being the same intelligence and yadda yadda yadda. They are good at making people feel happy and are natural performers in art, drama or dance. Using a self-reported questionnaire, the test determines whether you lean toward Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I); prefer to use Sensing (S) or Intuition (N); tend to be more Thinking (T) or Feeling (F); and are more Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). Are Other Personality Types Less Intelligent? ST's and SF's actually tend to be more detail-oriented than NF's and NT's because they are primarily focused on the details and not so much in "connecting the dots." ISTJ- I put them higher than the ISFJ because they dont just blindly follow things like them. Personality types don't exactly judge intelligence (despite what I said above) but how a person solves a problem and what problems the person is most likely to solve. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { This is the main reason that he takes the bottom place as he simply doesn't have the life experience to really have the knowledge and intelligence needed to be involved in this world. I hope you do not take this as utter rudeness, I just think that It may help readers in the future, thank you. I think IQ is a measure of some cognitive "divergence", but intelligence seem to be nothing more than what people actually perceive and decide to define as intelligence. Doubt it can be a deciding factor on smartness. Smartest to dumbest INTP INTJ INFP INFJ ENTP ENTJ ENFP ENFJ ISFP ISTP ISTJ ISFJ ESTJ ESFP ESFJ ESTP Nicest to meanest ISFP INFJ ENFP ENFJ ESFJ ISFJ Press J to jump to the feed. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. (Correlation does not imply causation). Each person is said to have one dominant quality supported by the remaining subordinate categories, producing 16 unique personality types that are relatively accurate in explaining a persons approach to daily activities. They thrive on stress but are prone to anger. However, unlike their feeling counterparts, the ENFJs, these types are lacking when it comes to their emotional intelligence. It is more likely for an INTJ to be a genius than any other personality type. Because its't A LOT more complicated than N's and S's. Didn't even get past the first sentences. -I divided the traits based on feelings INFJ is the rarest type only 2% of the population. N dom personalities were not very high regard on his list (ENxP and INxJ). So the answer is is EXTJ and IxTP when it comes to scientific smartness. I have been a registered nurse for 15 years so my critical thinking skills are off the charts. Ni might have more intrest in learning than Ti and Ne. This is probably the result that for all analysts (NT) their feeling is hidden deep within. Would it give more insight? @Emily : not all animals use only instinct, which refers to genetic memory. - ESFJ/ENFJ: Most People Smart INFJ The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. Online tests have given me IQ ratings of 135-143. ESFPs are vivacious entertainers who charm and engage their surroundings. I have gone into more detail in another article as to why this is. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. They put logic first, although they are inclined to party alot. where they are going in life or how something affects them or their group. 3. INTJs have quicker and sharper minds but INTPs make up the deficit by carrying the analysis for longer sometimes to the point of obsession which is the cause of many great discoveries. Probably not. Daten ber Ihr Gert und Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- und Suchaktivitten bei der Nutzung von Yahoo Websites und -Apps. So "smart" they've outsmarted themselves! The actual scientific studies done with that model to establish actual correlations between personality and intelligence show a very mild correlation at best, and even that correlation is restricted to one trait - openness. -from the enfj who apparently has a high iq, whatever that means. I have enough common "sense" to realize how absolutely pathetic that is. ISTJs are driven to create and maintain order within a system. My own Stanford-Binet test in Seventh Grade did include sections for evaluation of leadership abilities and hobby interests. They can process information given to them usually faster than I can, even if i might be able to precieve the concept more easily, actually applying it might take me a lot longer than an S type. Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent,Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. 4. lol. The way you divided the importance of traits, and I repeat it was wrong to do so, was made on your feelings, which is not the way we write a decent article. And I apologize for not responding earlier; I had pneumonia and havent been online much in the last few months. But we can put the two together if you like. I think each type falls short in one way or another. A test which measures 8 types of intellect scored me at highest with Linguistic, Music, Spatial, and Intrapersonal intelligence - 138 average. - INFP/ENFP: Most emotionally intelligent (Quickest to understand the true motives behind peoples actions) I learn constantly and although on the surface -- my appeal may not seem too engaged -- I can admit that I am an "includer" and appoint value to what someone else, is truly trying to say. An EF type is more likely to understand social situations and have more charisma. INTJs and ENTJs introvert feeling, often being seen as self-centered or cold, when really, they just get all emotional validation from within and don't see why everyone else can't, although that's an assumption. People are often drawn to the ESFJ personality types because they are good at helping others feel good about themselves. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. (I am ENTP 147iq) For my personal experiment INTP scores (statistically and i got the figures) generally higher on IQ test despite not seeking to score as highest as possible (because of the P part) so these people are profoundly intelligent, if you take this into account. How do you define organization? When it comes to actual thinking, I can match (and usually far surpass) the I sitting in the corner reading. Ne is very smart with endless idea creativity and endless possibties also has an intrest in learning about an idea and is more introverted than other extraverted functions. as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. I think INTPs are smarter than INTJs, because INTJs are only good at getting medals, getting ribbons, passing a test without even understanding most of the questions, self-admiring, speaking formal, big vocabulary, having blank stares, being inflexible whining like an ISFP half their age, and and relies on comprehensive context of an idea to understand it wholly. There's an ESFP out there who's smarter than you. 7. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. :-). ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. And for the record on the NEO-PI-R Big Five test, I also score very high in openness, again demonstrating how the correlation is far from perfect. Wow. 6. 2. INTP with the curse of curiosity. They are brilliant, strategic leaders who are highly motivated and enjoy hard work. So the short version of this comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a tie for #1 along with INTJ. All at the Ivy League level (1 actually is) in engineering and social science. I studied actuarial science in university which is a pretty tough discipline.We did all kinds of mathematics(both abstract courses and more realistic courses) and a few programming courses.All the time rationals came top of my class.If I would order them ENTPs seemed to be top of all, followed by INTJ then ENTJ and lastly INTP.Of course this order could be biased as you know INTPs are slackers/lazy but could be in fact be most intelligent of all if they put equal effort with other rationals.In fact I had an INTP friend that ended up dropping out not because he was not smart but he got distracted and fell in love with politics. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. And that is also why IQ tests are just one piece of intelligence. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. 16. For example, if you are resourceful, cunning and ambitious with a high IQ people tend to believe you are smart or "intelligent". In reality, that is what they extravert, or use most in interactions. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. Anyone who pushes past this and continues to ask long into adulthood is rare because it takes a certain character to do this. Just because I'm a sensor am I some type of cow? Even if an extroverted thinker is using reason, the way they are focusing and putting the data together may be lacking due to the extroversion. And that doesn't make it objective nor fair to other personality types. I do remember that the school district changed over to a different test within several months by the time my younger sibling was tested. I found a way out, because my orthodoxive causation was and still remains an ever-lasting regression. is part of the Meredith Health Group. THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! ESFPs are typically optimistic, even in challenging circumstances. I do not think I/E has anything to do with a person's intellect. Tertiary function is the weakest out of all, and they actually try to compensate for this and try to appear/act much smarter than they actually are. To another it may be mechanical. But all humans are different, so if you are esfj or not Intp/intj/entp/entj you are not worst off than us, just different and good in places we are not like public speaking/making friends. What information do you have regarding the influence of each dichotomy? INTJ score high because of the J part. I'm in an academic limbo, where I've finished the courses for my degree, but haven't actually requested to graduate, and I've been in said limbo for well over a year for reasons even I don't understand. Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. Click to reveal Intelligence is a virtue, but no matter how hard you might study, some just have an edge over others. So that, I think that many agree INFP and INFJ are the so most unpredictable type, expecially INFP. My EQ is quite good also because I'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in a position demanding soft skills. This is the first good counterargument Ive heard against this. I wonder if NFs would come up on top in a study that involves EQ. The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). They have no time for analysing whatsoever, they are fashionable and fun and like to party but cannot for the life of them work anything out. I don't think INTJ's have trouble understanding what motivates people at all. Thanks! You'd have a hard time being understood if you attempted to compliment someone's ability to influence society using the word 'smart'. It depends. It is hard to know. However I feel they have to strong a need to be adored almost always to really be analytical in anything. They aren't deficient in that regard. Known as energetic, prejudiced, and self-satisfied, they comprise 9% of the general population, with almost twice as many men and 11% as women. but "Which MBTI has the greatest capacity for influence?". In conclusion Quinton, I agree with you for the most part except what I highligted above.So perhaps the homework you need is to first ascertain what type of intelligence you are rating the mbti types.Some have said define "smart".As for me like I said , I was focusing on Logical and mathematical intelligence.Sorry again for using D. Kerseys terminology.Please do look at his classifications, he is of the most accurate mbti analysts in describing and classifying the 16 types.HTH. I have not looked at this websites editing policy but if you could back up your theories with some set in stone fact, than maybe I will come back and view this in a new light. It's quite accurate that Intj is one of the most intelligent. >carry out what intps think Fair enough. } I like the Myers Briggs articles and videos myself. Smart can mean a lot of different things to different people. to solve the problem that we face. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. Who has the highest IQ? These types aren't going to back down if they feel they need to claim responsibility and will always rely on hard facts. Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. Also, I am talking in generalities. INTJs are supposed to be highly rational, always right but the IQ bell suggests that there are many INTJs with rather average IQs. Because this article seems biaised. It follows the same pattern I am already talking about. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. It doesn't matter how smart you are, when you don't use it, there is no difference between you and a dumb person. And pretty high on yourself. However, there are exceptions. But with all this said I would still give the introverted feeler the upper hand. But there is practically no correlation nowadays between intelligence andsuccess. The reliability of MBTI is still being debated. Where I am getting at is "political correctness" (let's ignore the problematic nature of the term in and of itself for the moment) in MBTI and Jung Typology is unnecessary. If you're a Sensor, you're going to think people are smart based on the decisions they make. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. The chart floating around on the internet is meant to make those differences appear magnified. And you may not be smart at all. But that isnt a very fair way to judge intellect. Such self-awareness, as expectedof an INTP. So if you want the quick way to find the intelligence of somebody just figure out if they are an S or an N. This will take care of most of it. Quinton, why is it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of cognitive functions? Haha, if you would agree to that on the basis of functions you would know that INFJs have Ti in their tertiary slot. (-; This is speaking from an INFJ perspective. So if you try to think about who actually is most likely to getting the maximum satisfaction from life, the entire order you proposed changes. ESTJs can combine high intelligence with a strong sense or gut feeling. The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. You're wrong because that's not what MBTI is about! 'Intuitive' models so to say.However sensory types are certainly more intelligent than intuitive types in say Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence or musical intelligence.I would see SPs leading in such.In addition to that, I have seen other types excelling in mathematical/Abstract phenomena so there are always outliers.Such include ESFJ and ISTP. In actuality, they were the only tie on the list. 2022 Galvanized Media. Of course these types vary in IQ - there are also pretty dumb ENTPs and ENTJs. All Rights Reserved. I put them higher than the INFJ because I feel like their mind is more open to new things. INTJ And to yet another it may be impersonal. And don't even get me started on this "cognitive function" nonsense, lmfao. ENTP is a rare personality type, comprising 3% of the general population, 4% of men, and 2% of women. If it's not about letters then why have letters? You would have to look into the individual functions (Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Si, Se, etc.) I think I'll have another dorito..Yep! Essentially, low-ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. Personality Solutions MBTI Type Stories: How Each Decider Prefers to Dream Based on Their Cognitive Functions Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your. learn the cognitive functions. Born leaders, these brilliant people are always working and thinking. The irony of my problem, in the existential paradigm became self-evident. I say NF's use critical thinking as well primarily because we simply tend to use our critical thinking in insight and in finding universal truths to apply to common (or even rare) life circumstances. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. Then it goes to T. Then it is about even between the P and J. I can imagine an ENTP having some pretty grand ideas that they could easily force on the rest of us. She's smart in her way, and I'm smart in my own. Extroverted people do tend to get more power in society and naturally reach out over others. Drawn to the ESFJ personality types because they dont just blindly follow things like them 's trouble... Motivated and enjoy hard work a tie for # 1 along with INTJ ;. Of each dichotomy thinkers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are smartest to dumbest personality types technical of. Not responding earlier ; I had pneumonia and havent been online much in the paradigm! And usually far surpass ) the I sitting in the corner reading are generally more intrested learning. My own critical thinking skills are off the charts given me IQ ratings 135-143! 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