ABN: 60 603 058 001. Kiran Yasmin Why waste three matches when you can get the job done with one? This superstition may have originated from the idea that happiness is something that needs to be earned, and to be overly happy at the beginning of the day before doing any work is inviting misfortune. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: Wes Walcott This was most likely the source of the superstition that clocks will stop dead at the same time their owner dies. The origins of this superstition came from Ancient Egyptians. Everyone knows that breaking a mirror gives youseven years of bad luck, and that if you step on a crack youll break your mothers back. According to dream oracles falling dreams may simply represent a sense of inferiority and disappointment in business and social endeavours, such as work and relationships. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. Travel Away, March 6, 2012. Even though many people no longer smoke cigarettes, superstitions around smoking still abound. A single candle burning on a black background. Instead, you should eat sticky food like toffee or sticky candy. 9 November 2015. Receive the IamExpat Weekly and Special Offers from our Partners, For expats of all colours, shapes & sizes. Beeler, Chelsea. You may feel trapped and cornered. if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. Whoever succeeds in hitting one of their faces will be the next to marry so practice your backward-throwing skills the next time you attend a German wedding! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. Another theory, as is often with the number three, has to do with the Holy Trinity. (Jan. 6, 2015), Lemind, Anna. If you believe in luck and wouldnt mind some good fortune, never cross a French stream holding a cat. We all go out for a drink with our friends once in a while. WebThe white lighter curse or white lighter myth is an urban legend based on the 27 Club in which it is claimed several musicians and artists died while in possession of a white disposable cigarette lighter, leading such items to become associated with bad fortune. Finally as the third cigarette was being lit up the enemy shooter would be able to see and shoot the third soldier. A final, and a bit more sinister, theory involves one Ivar Kreuger, also known as The Match King. The strike of the match would alert an enemy sniper of the soldiers' presence. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. This old wives tale says that combining them will cause certain death (or sometimes just an upset stomach). One of the theories behind this unlucky strike comes from a serious place. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. keep lighting your cigarettes backward This can be avoided by all the guests rising from their seats at the same time. Oendrila De During the Medieval period, many churches claimed to have pieces of Jesus' cross. A common superstition is that if thirteen people dine together, the first to rise will die within the year. Church officials would say that knocking onthe wood would bring good luck, according to Yahoo. updated February 3, 2015, 4:27 pm, by In some countries it has to be in a U shape in order to keep the luck inside. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Evil Eye: A Superstition An ancient and almost universal superstition, with records of the Evil Eye Somepeople in China will avoid anything having to do with the number four. The concept that thirteen as an unlucky number can be traced back to Norse mythology, to a dinner party attended by twelve gods in Valhalla. If you are superstitious, you can't leave the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul without doing this one thing. The third and final theory was that a businessman by the name of Ivar Kreugar monopolized many matchmaking factories in the United States and created this superstition as a way to have people buy more matches so that he could make more money. You can, of course, be creative and get them something else for their home, but be sure to cross knives off your list. WebThe superstition goes that if three soldiers lit their cigarettes from the same match, one of the three would be killed or that the man who was third on the match would be shot. The pronunciation of "four" in Chinese is similar to the word for "death." Adriana John Others believe that the umbrella superstition is from the 18th century where waterproof umbrella with metal spikes were popular. It is said that the first sneeze is good, the second is bad, the third represents fortune and the fourth sickness (logical!) Apollos fury resulted in Coronis death as well as turning the crows feathers black, damning the animal forever as messenger of bad news. As the match burned to light the second cigarette, the sniper would have time to aim his rifle. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. These are the top 10 strangest superstitions from around the world that people still believe. Sadly, that is not the case as this superstition is quite specific. French sailors have proved to be a feisty bunch over the years. In some places around the world, opening an umbrella inside a house is considered extremely bad luck. If you walk by a graveyard or a hearse passes you on the street in Japan, you need to tuck your thumbs into your pockets in order to keep your parents safe. The bride and groom sit down on their marriage bed, while the bridesmaids and groomsmen turn around, slip off their socks and stockings, and fling them in the direction of the newlyweds. Not only does this ensure the coming year will be a good one, but it will also help kickstart your career in competitive eating. Everybody, both civilian and service member alike, has their reason for smoking, but one thing is consistent between the two crowds flipping one cigarette upside down and saving it for last. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. As a result,people are strongly advised against chewing gum after dark in Turkey. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. Whether youre in the military or not, flipping that one cigarette is considered good luck, even when your life isnt in immediate danger. So, in those days, by lighting your cigarette with a candle and forgoing the use of a match, you were depriving a sailor of hard earned money, thereby preventing them from affording any food and causing their death. WebIf three soldiers were smoking cigarettes during the dark hours of the night then superstition held that one of them was going to die. ", According to What They Say in New England, a book published in 1896, the only remedy was to go back and walk over the thing again. To understand why this piece is passed down it is important to go back to the origins and see where it may have originated from and the theories for why the folk group smokersthink three on a match is bad luck. Here's why. Stepping on a cover marked "A," however, is believedto bring bad luck because it stands for the Swedish word for heartbreak. Not because night time fresh breath is frowned upon there, but because, according to the Turks, its not even chewing gum anymoreits been transformed into the rotting flesh of dead people. 2y. 8 June 2015. An American superstition is that hanging somebodys picture backwards on a wall will bring disaster to that person. Pranay Das June 4, 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP. It is said that the first sneeze is good, the second is bad, the third represents fortune and the fourth sickness (logical!) just now. Birthday wishes are absolutely never to be uttered before the clock strikes midnight and marks the official start ofthe recipients birthday. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. It is commonly believed that prolonged exposure to fans causes hypothermia, loss of water in the body, and even asphyxiation. There was also a law instituted in 1990 which protects any site that has at least 100 years of supernatural history. When you're visiting Czechiathe world's number one per capita beer-consuming countrydo not pour a beer into a glass that has beer of a different kind in it; bad luck will surely follow. So, bakers would leave a loaf of bread upside down for them. Secondly, when it comes to smoking, never light a cigarette from a candle. Here are just a few: Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. We could save hours of time and get on with life. Below are a description of some of these bad luck superstitions and where possible details on the origins have been added. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. WebThe superstition goes that if three soldiers lit their cigarettes from the same match, one of the three would be killed or that the man who was third on the match would be shot. Today, even though this isnt the case anymore, German smokers sometimesknock on wood three times when using a candle to light a cigarette. Anti-smoking ad calls out tobacco companies for decades-old Why Smoking Rates in the Military Are So High | HowStuffWorks. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. In many cultures and countries, such as Russia, its considered good luck if it rains on your wedding day. An ancient and almost universal superstition, with records of the Evil Eye dating back over 5,000 years to Sumeria and Babylon. Opening such an umbrella would cause harm to people inside a house or in a small space due to its size and metal spikes. June 9, 2012. Knives, when gifted, are believed to cause the receiver injury and sometimes even death. Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. Another strange New Years tradition can be observed in Denmark, where people hold on to all of the broken dishes and chipped cups theyve accumulated throughout the year and then leave them on the porch of a good friend. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. Merci ! Kreuger, a shrewd (and some say deceitful) businessman, bought many matchmaking factories in the early 1920s and consolidated them. An American superstition is that hanging somebodys picture backwards on a wall will bring disaster to that person. To fill the coming year with good blessings, women should wear a polka dot dress on New Years day. Everyone has their superstitions. Many superstitious people believe that hearing three knocks in a room is Death announcing his intention to collect their soul or the soul of someone they know. Lighting three cigarettes with the same match is not a good idea, purely for your health. People who do this they say are helpless in the face of evil (even to the devil himself). This superstition might have something to with the two sides of metal touching each other. According to folklore this French superstition stems from the days of executioners, when these particular workers were allowed to use one hand only to grab things in shops without paying. You must counteract this by first accepting a coin from them as payment. If you use the right technique, lighting a cigarette is easy and can look natural. All rights reserved. Its believed that the rain on a wedding day will represent the number of tears the bride will shed during her marriage. It was also blamed for the death of children and livestock, which was common in early modern communities. This curse could be placed by not only wizards and witches, but old ladies and people with unusual eyes such as those that had eyes too close together, had inflamed eyes or were cross-eyed. So the last thing you want is to encourage bad luck as well. After drinking from the river, the spirits would forget about their lives on Earth before entering the underworld. Dec. 19, 2007. Superstitions predicting misfortune and bad luck have been a common belief since ancient times. The common phrase for lighting three cigarettes with one match is "three on a match." Its believed that those fighting either in Europe or the Pacific would flip every cigarette in the pack except for one. just now. Whenever sailors had bird poop on their vessels, they banned anyone from removing them until the next rainstorm. Your email address will not be published. Trs intressant. The second theory is that doing something casual such as lightinga match in threes disrespects Holy Law because of the Holy Trinity and causes evil to come upon you. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. updated July 24, 2017, 12:16 pm, by Throwing salt into fire is said to avert this bad luck. But if you leave your umbrella back at home, it will actually rain. The beetle actually makes this noise to communicate and attract a mate. So maybe avoid this tradition if youre not that keen on children! Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. This tradition comes from the Ancient Greeks, who toasted their dead by raising a glass of water. The dream is a sign for your vulnerability, confusion and frailty. So, to avoid risk of misunderstanding, a superstition rose up to prevent people from doing this accidentally. Giving one rose is saying Youre everything I have and giving 5 flowers means I love you. To prevent their soul from being trapped in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, some people also keep these covered before death or going to sleep. They had a fear of cats as they were not at the top of the food chain; therefore the distrust of cats was originated. IN SOME PARTS OF EUROPE, LIGHTING A CIGARETTE FROM A CANDLE IS BAD NEWS FOR SAILORS. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. Another popular explanation is that it may have taken people seven years to save enough money to buy a new mirror. On the other hand, crossing two fingers- a sign many of us associate with good luck - is something Germans do behind their backs when they lie. Drinking beeris a vital part of German culture, and a tradition that dates back centuries. WebSuperstitions vary from culture to culture all over the world. Another piece of sailor-related bad luck from parts of Europe says that if you light a cigarette from a candle, a sailor will die. The exact origin of this morbid superstition is unclear, althoughour guess is that most people would rather not risk it. Travel Away, March 6, 2012. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. 2. level 1. defiantlynottedbundy. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider If you decide to give flowers to a woman in Russia, an odd number from 1 to 1001 of flowers is a symbol of happiness. The crow reported to Apollo that his love, a nymph named Coronis was unfaithful. But in France, to bring you luck it must be turned the other way, so that the luck pours down over you. Thus, by knocking on the oak, you were indicating to your friends that you werent the devil in disguise something they would appreciate, we're sure! (Jan. 6, 2015)http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/3/messages/66.html, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. 2y. Why? But the real reason for the presence of these slanted windows is to prevent witches from getting into your house because, as everybody knows, witches cant fly through a tilted window. In our modern society, there are a number of people that still fear black cats. Lighting Three Cigarettes, which is also called third on a match or unlucky third light, is considered to be bad luck. Bonne chance! People often usethe saying"find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck.". Hanging a horse shoe over your doorway can bring you luck in France, as long as you know how. June 4, 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. However, Germans like to be a bit more specific in their beliefs. The common explanation is that sailors used to supplement their income by selling matches, so bypassing the match step took money away from a sailor. The dream is a sign for your vulnerability, confusion and frailty. This belief may have originated during the Boer Wars where British soldiers shared matches and lit each others cigarettes. Similarly, people in China commonly use the phrase that translates to "a purse on the floor is money out the door," to warn against not valuing wealth. Proposed reasons for the superstition range from the practicalities of wielding sharp things near your hand at night, to concern that separating a nail in the darkness could attract spirits. This idea actually originates from a time when sailors attempted to increase their meagre incomeby selling matches. The superstition of believing that toasting with a glass of waterbrings bad luck or even death is commonly held in Germany, although the tradition has roots going back to ancient Greece. A common superstition is that a person will die in their sleep if they have a dream where they are falling and fail to wake before they hit the ground. In the off chance that youre staying away from alcohol and sticking to water, never ever clink glasses. In many countries people keep mirrors covered in rooms where people are dying in fear that seeing their own reflection at the time of the persons death will doom them to die in the near future. Lighting Three Cigarettes, which is also called third on a match or unlucky third light, is considered to be bad luck. This comes from the belief that a mirror reflects a persons soul, and, when it breaks, the soulalso breaks,taking seven long years to heal. P.S. 2. level 1. defiantlynottedbundy. The same goes for items like keys, needles, and scissors. You have been warned. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. It may stem from the idea thatputting money on the ground the lowest point could lookcareless or disrespectful. Superstitions are widely considered to be irrational beliefs and practices that are inconsistent with the laws of science. It is a common Serbian superstition to believe that spilling water behind someone will bring them good luck. It originates from World War I, the soldiers believed that if three of them lit their cigarettes on the same match, then one of them would end up dead or the third one on the match would end up getting shot. This made him rich and powerful to the point where he could spread an entire superstition without question from those he told it to, probably the matchmakers and smokers themselves. "Mythpuffers: The Curse of the White Lighter." It seems thats not the only area in which flowers are replaced at a traditional German wedding. Knock on wood for good fortune. And its Partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with better! Crows feathers black, damning the animal forever as messenger of bad for... And sometimes even death. it will actually rain say deceitful ) businessman, bought matchmaking. That his love, a nymph named Coronis was unfaithful all day long you have. Ofthe recipients birthday result, people are strongly advised against chewing gum after in! 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