Cooper isn't happy about that and leaves for a while. Cooper throws some large roof tiles at the intruder, with one striking him on the head, bloodying him. After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. Plot After their young son is nearly run over in the street, Cooper and Leah Tilson decide to give up high-flying careers in New York City and move to the countryside. Or what? [5], Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times rated the film 1 stars and called it "an anthology of cliches" and "a thriller that thrills us only if we abandon all common sense". Cooper then tries to rescue her (with a rope that she climbs), all while the assailant might be looming nearby. Dale is helpful as the Tilsons adjust to their life. Minor . (2003) (Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone) (R) ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE He uses some profanity. Heavy The film drags at times and the audience is almost guaranteed to be ahead of the film by the end of the first act, but Figgis tells us these are no-nos for the genre. Phrases: "Don't f*ck with him," "He'll rip your f*cking head off," "Shut the f*ck up," "Back the f*ck away," "Get the f*ck out of here," "You f*ck," "Oh sh*t," "You'll sh*t blood," "You little sh*thead," "You piece of sh*t," "You're full of sh*t," "You scared the sh*t out of me," "Corrupt spawn of your whoring mother," "Screwed up," "Where the hell /is he going/are you going to do about it?" Cooper cuts off a poisonous snake's head (with brief and slightly bloody results). Read full review 40 Especially the whole 'getting a dead horse into the pool while drunk' part. Written by Richard Jefferies. If you are bored and have nothing else to do, why not. So, how exactly did the horse die? He grew up in Cold Creek Manor, with an abusive dad. Those scenes and several others have varying levels of bloodiness, and may be unsettling, suspenseful or scary to some viewers, mostly younger ones and those with low tolerance levels for such material (others will have little or no such reaction to them). It's implied that Cooper realizes what happened with Dale's family immediately after his own family left, and Dale attacked within the following 12 hours. After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. We see a Jeep that's been set on fire. We assume she rejected the proposal, but learn later that she had actually considered it until circumstances got in the way. STEPHEN DORFF plays an ex-con who returns to the manor to work on it for the new owners, but then shows his true colors of wanting to get the house back for himself. After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. Meanwhile, Dale visits his father and smothers him to death when he insults him and reveals his knowledge of Dale's crimes. Since he began writing for Laughing Place in 2014, Bill has specialized in covering the Rick Riordan literary universe, a retrospective of the Touchstone Pictures movie library, and a variety of other Disney related topics. [7], Peter Travers of Rolling Stone rated the film one star and commented, "It's sad to see risk-taking director Mike Figgis do a generic thriller for a paycheck and then not even screw with the rules . There is not one moment on screen that says to me that Dale is trustworthy. Dale Massie is the main antagonist of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor. For Violence, Language and Some Sexuality, The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic, The Mandalorian Tries to Find Its Place in Third Season, The Unloved, Part 111: Devil in a Blue Dress, Female Filmmakers in Focus: Cauleen Smith on Drylongso, True Lies Fails to Capture the Charm of the James Cameron Original. Kristen is mad at her dad when she thinks he accidentally killed her pony. Cooper and his family slowly make their way through the dilapidated house that still has the belongings of the former residents in it (although everything's in disarray). Dale lights up a joint. We see several shots of Dale, sweaty and shirtless with his jeans riding down to expose the top of his underwear. [6], Edward Guthmann of the San Francisco Chronicle said, "As haunted-house thrillers go, Cold Creek Manor is more ludicrous than the average but at the same time more handsomely produced. Biography He grew up in Cold Creek Manor, with an abusive dad. They check out the Cold Creek Manor, which has long been abandoned. They find a sprawling run down large old house in the boonies of a small town. There was a problem. An extreme amount of suspenseful and ominous music plays in the film. An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. Cooper secretly tapes Dale's father in a nursing home (to use in a documentary). She and Cooper lower a video camera into the well and find the rotting corpses of Dale's wife and children. Its almost like the script purposely makes the audience want to dislike Leah, so they muted Stone from being able to make her presence known in the film. A horse is killed and dumped in the family swimming pool. [9], Todd McCarthy of Variety called the film "a woefully predictable imperiled-yuppie-family-under-siege suspenser that hardly seems worth the attention of its relatively high-profile participants. Once they realize that, they have several close calls with those snakes and more, including one that strikes out at Cooper and another that falls on his shoulder. We see Jesse with a paintball rifle. Dale goes after Cooper and Leah, and Cooper kills Dale by shattering the skylight on the roof of the house and Dale falls to his death. Think of the trouble it would be for one man, working alone, to kill a horse and dump it into a swimming pool. I am an admin of this site. DANA ESKELSON plays Ruby's sister, the local sheriff who drags her feet in taking action against Dale and uses some strong profanity. The scene where she claims she wasn't hit, she only fell, is the most perfunctory demonstration possible of the battered woman in denial. The other featurette, The Rules of the Game is where Mike Figgis proves he is completely unable to work in the Thriller genre. Cooper Tilson, his wife Leah and their two children, Kristen and Jesse, move from New York to the country after purchasing a mansion. For those concerned with bright flashes of light on the screen, some instances of that occur in several scenes in the film. A sudden sound might startle some viewers. Kill.Switch (2003) Resident Evil 5 (2009) Grand Theft Auto III (2001) Dale's father says that Dale is the "corrupt spawn of your whoring mother" and then says that Dale's kids probably weren't even his, that he couldn't even make babies. Continuity mistake: When Juliet Luis is cleaning the windshield in the beginning of the movie, she moves to the passenger side and wets the window. We see the image of a somewhat decomposed and mummified face on a video playback. Miscellaneous people drink beer. Kristen finds a piece of wood with the word "evil" on it and is then surprised by her brother. The Tilsons hesitantly agree, but soon find things going downhill from there as Ray slowly start to show his true colors. I thought that was incredible and must mean that Cold Creek Manorwas on its way to box office success. Cooper agrees and we then see him and others drinking. Which is illogical once you start thinking about it. WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: R At least 19 "f" words (3 used with "mother," 1 used sexually), 9 "s" words, 2 slang terms using male genitals ("c*ck" and "pecker"), 3 asses (all used with "hole"), 2 hells, 1 damn, 1 S.O.B., 10 uses of "Oh my God," 4 of "Oh God" and 1 use each of "For Christ's sakes," "G-damn," "God," "Jesus Christ," "My God," "Oh Jesus" and "Swear to God.". In classic Hollywood ending style the Tilson's defeated him and eventually killed him but like I said the final battle scene was too quick and short for me. He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. The trailer looked interesting, and I was always game for a Dennis Quaid movie. Cooper shatters the skylight, sending Dale to his death. He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. He was protrayed by Stephen Dorff, who also portrayed Deacon Frost in Blade . We see bloody water in the swimming pool and then see an underwater shot looking up from the bottom to reveal the silhouetted shape of a dead pony floating on the surface. Cooper then tries to rescue her (with a rope that she climbs), all while the assailant might be looming nearby. It looks like the previous occupants bugged out in a big hurry, too, as they left everything behind, including personal. Heavy DANA ESKELSON plays Ruby's sister, the local sheriff who drags her feet in taking action against Dale and uses some strong profanity. VIOLENCE Cooper and his family sneak onto and then into the estate before they put an offer on it (meaning they're trespassing). His father expected his son to have had the Manor in his possesion, but when he looses the house to the government due to short payments, it becomes abandoned and the Tilson family moves in. If you are bored and have nothing else to do, why not. This house is going to need a lot of work. He then puts his hands on her butt and then under her short skirt, pulling down her panties in the process. As they begin renovations, they discover their new home harbors a secret and may not be completely free of its former inhabitant. The Tilsons continue to live in Cold Creek Manor. He is a psychopath who threatened to kill the Tilson family who moved to Dale's old home. Cold Creek Manor gets a 1 Reel rating. Who the heck expects a country hick jailbird type character to be European about his cigarettes? Helmer Mike Figgis displays at best a half-hearted interest in delivering the commercial genre goods, while . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Dale goes after Cooper and Leah, and Cooper kills Dale by shattering the skylight on the roof of the house and Dale falls to his death. Some tense family material and imitative behavior is also present. But no. Documentary filmmaker Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid) and his professionally. Again, why wasnt this clarified in the film? He also suffocates his bedridden father. We see a pool of blood on the floor next to a person. What? Profanity consists of at least 19 "f" words, while other expletives and colorful phrases are used. Directed by Mike Figgis. Frightening/Tense Scenes The Tilsons find themselves trapped in the house as Dale cuts the electricity. Should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home, you may want to look more closely at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content. He uses some profanity. An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. Various clues, accompanied by portentous music, ominous winds, gathering clouds, etc., lead to the possibility that clues to Dale's crimes can be found at the bottom of an old well, and we are not disappointed in our expectation that Stone will sooner or later find herself at the bottom of that well. Musical stingers hit moments where nothing happens on screen, presumably to build tension, but instead creating an almost laughable effect. The couple team up in a climactic struggle to defend their home. There are a few deleted scenes, most of which deserved to be deleted. I don't think someone could fly out from NYC and come help him within that timeframe. Addresses are not passed on to any third party, and are used solely for direct communication from this site. What I saw from the trailer was not what I got when I saw the movie. If you were a vicious mad-dog killer and wanted to get rid of the Tilsons and had just pushed Leah down the well, and Cooper was all alone in the woods leaning over the well and trying to pull his wife back to the surface, would you just go ahead and push him in? Miscellaneous people have beer in a restaurant. Dale belches after eating. I only wish this film had chosen a course similar to The River Wild, the PG-13 white-water rafting thriller that found Meryl Streep and David Strathairn desperately trying to save their family from a vicious Kevin Bacon. He added, "Of course preposterous things happen in all thrillers, but there must be at least a gesture in the direction of plausibility, or we lose patience". Dale pushes Leah into the well but Cooper manages to pull her out. KRISTEN STEWART plays the Tilsons' moody teenage daughter who doesn't like Dale from the get-go. We learn that a person killed his family sometime in the past and then see him kill his father. Realizing he needs to figure out what happened at the manor, Cooper goes to interview Dale's father (CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER), who's in a nursing home, but all he gets out of him is something about the Devil's Throat. Cold Creek Manor (2003) Directed by Mike Figgis Stephen Dorff [Dale Massie] Christopher Plummer [Mr. Massie] Simon Reynolds [Ray Pinski] Paula Brancati [Stephanie Pinski] Kathleen Duborg [Ellen Pinski] Dana Eskelson [Sheriff Annie Ferguson] . SHARON STONE plays his wife, an executive who wants to get their family out of harm's way when things get too precarious. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought . Disrespectful/Bad Attitude The two then struggle and the intruder strikes Cooper and comments on the sound of a bone breaking. As they begin to fix the house up, they discover . He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. Why didn't he proceed to push down the husband? The implication being that he hit the horse with the car. IIRC the family believes it's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car is smashed. Either that or he was struck with some form of mental retardation, which is really unfair because Ive seen movies in the thriller genre before with someone suffering from mental retardation that did much better then Quaid did in this movie. We see some small photos of a teenager showing her bare breasts. This is Thesecret1070. When my wife and I went to see it opening night in the small town that we lived in at the time, it was sold out. Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. He was protrayed by Stephen Dorff, who also portrayed Deacon Frost in Blade. It just doesnt make sense. Should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home, you may want to look more closely at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content. Some brief, sexually related dialogue is present, as is a brief and partially obscured sexual encounter (with movement and related sounds). We see the point of view of someone approaching Cooper. Starring Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone and Stephen Dorff. gtag('js', new Date()); I was hoping for a fright, and on this rewatching of the film, I found myself losing interest in the movie. They get back to the house where Dale has torched Leah's car. One then hits the third several times with a pick-like device, eventually causing the skylight to break and the third person to fall through it, another skylight and then hard to the floor below (where he's presumably dead). One day the former owner shows up and makes himself at home. A person pushes Leah down into a deep hole in the ground (she's okay). Days go by and Dale proves to be anything but helpful. He then tells Cooper that he should buy the next round for everyone there as a gesture of good will. The implication being that he hit the horse with the car. Apparently, Christopher Plummer only spent two days on set filming. The movie is an anthology of cliches, not neglecting both the Talking Killer, who talks when he should be at work, and the reliable climax where both the villain and his victims go to a great deal of inconvenience to climb to a high place so that one of them can fall off. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Its a hustle-bustle life, the pressures of which reach a crescendo when a near-miss in heavy traffic endangers one of the children. In rural Bellingham, they buy up the huge old Cold Creek Manor, which is going cheaply, and convert it into their dream house. Moving into a new home. Cooper hears someone in his house, thinks he sees someone approaching on the other side of some hanging plastic, and punches that person (but it turns out to be Leah). [1], Buena Vista Home Entertainment released the film on Region 1 DVD on March 2, 2004. Cooper cuts off a poisonous snake's head (with brief and slightly bloody results). In fact, I suggest you dont watch it with his commentary track since he inadvertantly points out a lot of the mistakes Ive pointed out above. Sharon Stone is a great actress and does well with the part of Leah, but she isnt given much to stand out, and ends up playing a stereotypical role that keeps Stone from excelling. 40. Also, what was exactly the train of thought for the family to believe the father killed the horse? We then see a shot of them (through a window with blinds that obscure much of what we're seeing) having sex, with movement and related sounds. [8], Steve Persall of the St. Petersburg Times graded the film D and thought "all this bad acting and run-of-the-thrill dialogue might be entertaining if something would just happen besides a silly snake scare and a wan truck chase. Some tense family material and imitative behavior is also present. It is in anamorphic widescreen format with audio tracks in English and French, and subtitles in Spanish. 7 biggest mistakes in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, The 20 biggest mistakes in The Wizard of Oz, 40 biggest mistakes in The Big Bang Theory, 6 Cool things you've never noticed in movies, The biggest mistakes in the Harry Potter movies, 25 mistakes you never noticed in great movies, 7 mistakes in Beetlejuice you never spotted, More questions & answers from Cold Creek Manor. ) and his professionally s the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car big,. The Rules of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor, which has long been abandoned Tilsons adjust their. Struggle and the intruder strikes Cooper and comments on the head, bloodying him Ruby 's sister, the of! That from happening kill his father got when I saw the movie a town. Then tells Cooper that he hit the horse you purchase through links on our site, we may an! 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