0000001951 00000 n `h$Z(teLc6uv'"!!b$C~tQH jEF4OgK|[ LO The unearned premium reserve is the amount of premiums equal to the unexpired portion of insurance policies, i.e., insurance protection that is still "owed" to the policyholder and for which funds would have to be returned to the policyholder should the policyholder cancel the policy before it expired. This reinsurance arrangement is a(n) B) purchase of common stock. Here's What to Do. B) actuary. Keep in mind, the one-time training course is required per WAC 284-17-265 (leg.wa.gov). missing from the legislation. C) both I and II This type of reinsurance is called facultative because the reinsurer has the power or faculty to accept or reject all or a part of any policy offered to it in contrast to treaty reinsurance, under which it must accept all applicable policies once the agreement is signed. pays all compensation for which the members are liable under the law. A) I only The CCRIF was initially capitalized by its members with help from donor partners developed countries, the World Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank. or the acquirer may purchase an insurance company from an insurance holding company. Disaster recovery bonds serve much the same purpose as a business income insurance policy, helping the government entity/policyholder get back on track after a catastrophic event. Additionally, companies that have a head office or are domiciled in Reciprocal Jurisdictions can become Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers if they meet the standards in the Credit for Reinsurance Model Law (#785) and Credit for Reinsurance Model Regulation (#786), and this status will allow these companies to not post collateral. II. No coverage is provided for claims originating outside the coverage period, even if the losses occurred while the contract was in effect. One lesser-known alternative is the industry loss warranty contract (ILW). the chair of the Workers Compensation Board to "insure the financial ability of After graduation, she was hired by Econodeath Insurance Company. self-insurers.". The rule helps regulators identify problem reinsurers for regulatory actions and encourages insurers to purchase reinsurance from companies that are willing and able to pay reinsured losses promptly. N.Y. Workers Compensation Law 50 (McKinney 1994). In addition, at its June 1999 meeting, the NAIC approved a so-called protected cell model act that makes it easier to transact deals in the United States. After graduation, he went to work for an insurance company. B) The reinsurer is the first insurer that provides claims services to the insured after a loss occurs. In addition, the reinsurer would also consider the attitude and management of the primary insurer seeking reinsurance coverage. fire districts that are members of the Pool. Beverly is a(n) Jan is employed by an insurance company. It provides a great level of stability for underwriting in the period of the claim. Pro rata means that a reinsurance policy is written on the basis that the ceding company and the reinsurance company share the premiums and losses proportionately. d. B) surplus-share reinsurance. Regulation. This requirement reflects regulators' concern that all liabilities are identified and determined actuarially, including IBNR losses, and that IBNR losses are secured by the reinsurer with additional funds or a larger letter of credit than otherwise would have been required. N.Y Workers Compensation Law 50(5)(d) In the reinsurance agreement, the reinsurer's obligation arises only when the company's liability under its original insurance policy or reinsurance agreement has been incurred. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES [18] FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE The ceding company (e.g., XYZ Mutual) negotiates a separate reinsurance agreement for individual policies. Most insurance policies that individuals or companies buy are called primary insurance. Facultativereinsurancecoverage protects a cedent insurance companyfor a certainindividual or a specific risk or contract. Information systems can speed the processing of policies by insurers. Common sources of underwriting information for life and health insurance include all of the following EXCEPT, If an underwriter suspects moral hazard, the underwriter may ask an outside firm to investigate the applicant and make a detailed report to the insurer. issued by authorized workers compensation insurers to individual employers who were Side-car deals are much smaller and less complex than catastrophe bonds and are usually privately placed rather than tradable securities. 0000000596 00000 n The primary function of an actuary is to A) adjust claims. Reinsurance. Its members pay premiums based on their probable use of the pools funds. The NAIC provides expertise, data, and analysis for insurance commissioners to effectively regulate the insurance industry and protect consumers. This in fact helps in the ultimate viability of insurance business. B) to increase underwriting capacity. In 2004 hurricanes severely damaged the economy of several small Caribbean islands, causing losses in excess of $4 billion. C) Insureds should be selected according to underwriting standards. Explore our open opportunities for your chance to join our team. She reviews applications to determine whether her company should insure the applicant. C) the ceding company to the insured. In addition to catastrophe bonds, catastrophe options were developed but the market for these options never took off. information you need to make the best insurance decisions for you, your family and your business. Insurance for insurance companies - An insurance company, called the primary or ceding company, cedes portions of its liability to another insurance company, known as a reinsurer Reinsurance is a transaction between insurance companies only - Privityof contract (i.e. The company transferring risk in a reinsurance arrangement is called the ceding insurer. C) The amount of insurance transferred to a reinsurer is called the net retention. A) Under a surplus-share treaty, 100 percent of the ceding insurer's liability must be transferred to the reinsurer. A) public adjustor. NEW YORK and GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands, March 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lexasure Financial Group ("Lexasure"), a leading provider of reinsurance and digital insurance solutions in . In most treaty agreements, once the terms of the contract, including the categories of risks covered, have been established, all policies that fall within those terms in many cases both new and existing businessare covered, usually automatically, until the agreement is cancelled. Which of the following statements about reinsurance is true? This would let the primary insurance company minimise its risk by passing on the policy that it has underwritten to another insurance provider. Her job is to calculate premium rates for life insurance coverages. Select a state or jurisdiction for insurance department contact information. 316.6 (1989) states that the above <]>> C) The adjustor must file the proof of loss, which is a sworn statement supporting his or her decision regarding a claim. 0000001122 00000 n Representatives from diverse groups who provide varied perspectives on insurance regulatory issues. Reinsurance is the term that describes this distribution of policies and the attendant risk among insurers. pertinent documents relating to the organization of the employers in the group. B) II only Up to then, most securitization deals had been conducted offshore through special entities created for this purpose. The above arrangement would be permissible In return, the cedent pays a premium to the reinsurer. would be applicable to the operation of a reciprocal insurer, the most significant being Drafting policy provisions. Unlike traditional reinsurance, where the reinsurer pays a portion of the primary companys losses according to an agreed upon formula, the ILW is triggered by an agreed-upon industry loss. However, the reinsurer typically pays a portion of the premiums back to the ceding company. Reinsurance is the means by which an insurance company (called the reinsured, ceding company or cedant) shares the risk of loss with another insurance company (called the reinsurer). C) agent. 0 Insurance for insurers, often known as reinsurance, or stop-loss insurance, is a type of reinsurance. 62% of insurance companies use reinsurance policies for reducing their risks. In the case of an individual self-insured employer, the employer is If Granite writes an $800,000 policy, RSR is responsible for 50 percent of the losses. qualifying condition for approval to act as a self-insurer, the employers were required to These deals bring Kuvare's total completed reinsurance transactions to ten, and Kuvare now faces seven different highly rated counterparties. Raymond G. Farmer Award for Exceptional Leadership, System for Electronic Rates and Forms Filings, Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D), Financial Regulation Standards and Accreditation (F), Innovation, Cybersecurity, and Technology (H), Market Conduct Annual Statement Blanks (D), Risk-Based Capital Investment Risk and Evaluation (E). Reinsurance Explained. Its letter states as follows: "Under a group self-insurance plan, By statute or administrative practice, all states (but with considerable variation) recognize and grant credit on the financial statement for the reduced financial responsibility that reinsurance transactions provide. However, the ceding company loses out on most of the premiums paid by the policyholders for any of the policies ceded to the reinsurer. under the law. (1989). 0000001254 00000 n Integrity is a publicly-traded insurer. C) inspection report. Income from investments is important in offsetting any unfavorable underwriting experience. A highly specialized technician who provides local agents in the field with technical help and assistance with marketing problems is called a(n) Advertisement Insuranceopedia Explains Ceding Company B) agent's report. Reinsurance reduces insurance companies . Which important underwriting principle was violated in this case? A) quota-share reinsurance treaty. She also enrolled in a number of finance courses. A glossary of insurance terms and definitions. A) underwriter. With no disagreement, there is no contract between the reinsurer and any party other than the company defined as the "reinsured" in the reinsurance agreement. A faster and more reliable way to fund the recovery is prefinancing in the form of reinsurance, catastrophe bonds or other alternative risk transfer mechanisms. II. is not contrary to the opinion expressed herein. B) reduce the unearned premium reserve. Any and all agreements contracts and other A) agent's report. C) provide large risk capacity. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable are those premiums that are due to other insurance companies for coverages purchased to reduce the ceding company's liability. D) to withdraw from a line of business or territory. As "The It states as follows: "Although the Regulation refers to Among those additional requirements are that the group submit the following to Related to solvency is the issue of reinsurance "recoverables, payments due from the reinsurer. B) II only Discover our framework to drive change and promote accountability in our workplace. C) A primary objective in making these investments is safety of principal. The re-insurer is a firm that provides insurance services to insurance companies. LIC agreed to write the coverage and entered into an agreement with a reinsurer. Think about: New France, French and Indian War. B) attempt to deny the claim regardless of whether he believes the claim is covered. Underproportional reinsurance, the reinsurer receives a prorated share of all policy premiums sold by the cedent. While a large portion of the insurance industry opposes federal regulatory oversight, many U.S. reinsurers and large commercial insurers view compliance with a single federal law as preferable to compliance with the laws of 51 state jurisdictions. The Departments Memorandum to the Concern about reinsurance recoverables led to other changes in the annual financial statement filed with state regulators, including changes that improve the quality and quantity of reinsurance data available to enhance regulatory oversight of the reinsurance business. Reinsurance can be divided into two basic categories: treaty and facultative. In 2009, for the first time, primary insurance companies were sponsors of the majority of bond issuesabout 60 percent. perform financial examinations of the Pools pursuant to a "request" from r9>;KG:spG98}g@{tX9g (LxttX?|t]db# Pursuant to N.Y. Ins. Both facultative and treaty insurance can be written based on pro rata or an excess of loss underwriting. Find contact information for insurance departments and local insurance agents, or file a complaint. Chapters 895 and 896 of the Laws of 1966 Reg. D) neither I nor II, Functions of an insurance company's legal department include which of the following? Under the agreement, L2 is credited with an initial reinsurance premium equal to L1's reserves on the reinsured contracts at the inception of the agreement, any . All of the following are reasons for a primary insurer to use reinsurance EXCEPT Which of the following statements about underwriting policy is (are) true? And its insurance in force growth will slow this year . group self insurers, which could impact upon the proposed transaction by "The each member over all of the members of the Pool. Several common reasons for reinsurance include: 1) expanding the insurance company's capacity; 2) stabilizing underwriting results; 3) financing; 4) providing catastrophe protection; 5) withdrawing from a line or class of business; 6) spreading risk; and 7) acquiring expertise. Notification, within 10 days time, on a In this contract, the insurance companythe cedenttransfers risk to the reinsurance company, and the latter assumes all or part of one or more insurance policies issued by the cedent. Which of the following statements about reinsurance is true? B) loss control A) quota-share treaty. In other words, the reinsurer accepts the risks of a preset class of policies over a period of time. Another alternative is the exchange of risk where individual companies in different parts of the world swap a certain amount of losses. The bureau goal of improving service and reducing cost to its membership.". ability to pay compensation for the employers participating in the group plan; the groups Individual employers that self-insure their requirement shall "be equally applicable in all respects to group Capital freed up in this way can support more or larger insurance policies. Lobbying for legislation favorable to the insurance industry. The regulation requires self-insured employers to Supervision by DFS may entail chartering, licensing, registration requirements, examination, and more. The CCRIF started operations in June 2007, after two years of planning. Reinsurance is the practice of one or more insurers assuming another insurance company's risk portfolio in an effort to balance the insurance market. The priority or retention limit may be based on one type of risk or an entire risk category. D) The majority of these investments are short-term investments. 316.2 (1989). self-insurers". signed the legislation into law before the memorandum could be sent) specifically raised The public was first introduced to reinsurance in the mid-1980s, during what has now become known as the liability crisis. TAxuy!882zxV@xta(r8Y{{b P7Ov{|w%Z!ZDSX|fE Wt;G?jpF2. Facultative covers specific individual, generally high-value or hazardous risks, such as a hospital, that would not be accepted under a treaty. Which of the following is a function of the marketing department of an insurance company? One method through which reinsurance is provided is through an organization of insurers that underwrites insurance on a joint basis. Law 1114(a) (McKinney 1985), a mutual insurance corporation may reinsure "the kinds 0000000016 00000 n An insurance company may wish to purchase reinsurance for a specific insurance policy written for a specific complex or unusual risk of a specific policyholder. Because the CCRIF uses what has become known as parametric insurance to calculate claim payments, claims are paid quickly. Of the many new ways of financing catastrophe risk that have been developed over the past decade or two, catastrophe bonds are best known outside the insurance industry. Ross studied engineering in college. Most still are. by the history of the enabling legislation. When catastrophe bonds were first issued after Hurricane Andrew, they were expected to gain industrywide acceptance as an alternative to traditional catastrophe reinsurance, which was then in short supply, but they still represent a small, albeit growing, portion of the worldwide catastrophe reinsurance market. As compensation, the ceding company pays a premium to the reinsurance company. reinsure the risks assumed by certain of the Pools. amended the Workers Compensation Law to authorize employers with related activities individual self-insured employers are not treated in the same manner. A) public adjustor. C) Under an excess-of-loss treaty, the reinsurer pays losses in full only if they are less than the ceding insurer's retention limit. If Granite insures a $1.6 million risk, RSR is responsible for 25 percent of any losses. U.S. reliance on foreign reinsurance has grown rapidly, from $78 billion in 1999 to $296 billion in 2017. Soon younger members of the group began to drop out when they realized their premiums were subsidizing a group with a higher chance of loss. startxref C) claims adjustor. The world of insurance can be complicated. The reinsurer has the right toacceptor denyall or a portion of a facultative reinsurance proposal. reinsurance in the true sense of the term. The Essential Guide to Reinsurance: Solutions to 21st Century Challenges. This is entity is called a In 2018, 87 percent of life insurers Most insurance companies require their marketing representatives to submit an evaluation of the prospective insured. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. C) loss control engineer. Gwen's comment most likely refers to her company the requirement for a periodic financial examination by the Insurance Department, were endstream endobj startxref The when, how, who, and why an insurance company will choose to purchase reinsurance depends on the ceding insurer, the book of business, the economic climate, and myriad other factors. Bonds were issued by the Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association, two North Carolina pools (the Fair Plan and Beach Plan) and the Alabama wind pool. B) to reduce the unearned premium reserve The memorandum went on to express concern that many safeguards which Thus, "The C) to protect against catastrophic losses. As countries raise building standards to provide better protection against disasters, premiums will decrease. A) reviewing investment options for the insurer's assets The company that transfers the risk is called the ceding company and the accepting company is called reinsurer. C) both I and II Treaty and facultative reinsurance agreements can be structured on a pro rata (proportional) or excess-of-loss (non-proportional) basis, depending on the arrangement by which losses are apportioned between the two insurers. 0 The building value in the application seemed far too high, and Mark suspected the applicant might be planning to destroy the property after it is insured. Department Circular Letter 1994-13. Reinsurance, which is for insurance companies and not individuals, provides added security for companies by splitting liability among insurers. 315 (1989) establishes financial Exclusive, industry-focused manuals, data, and more. The fair payment of claims requires an insurer to adopt a very liberal claims policy. Insured arrangements that allow sharing of year-end financial results 1. In an excess of loss agreement, the primary company retains a certain amount of liability for losses (known as the ceding companys retention) and pays a fee to the reinsurer for coverage above that amount, generally subject to a fixed upper limit. C) independent adjustor. C) purchase of excess-of-loss reinsurance. A Q&A guide to the regulation of insurance and reinsurance in Canada, covering company formation and licensing, regulatory agencies and examinations, investment rules, reinsurance agreements and . Privacy Policy - relationship between the Pool and its members exhibits the fundamental characteristics of -A reinsurer may not purchase reinsurance. Sometimes, an insurance company may want to reduce the risk of paying out an insurance claim for some of the policies in its portfolio. Insurance companies can use reinsurance to allow them more freedom in controlling their operations. D) claims adjustor. Because premium income is continually being received, the investment objective of liquidity is of little importance. Etsy for Sellers: What Insurance Do You Need? Reinsurance, howeve,r is not a guaranteed solution for an insurance company looking to protect itself. B) Income from these investments reduces the cost of insurance. How did the early settlement of Canada lead to a diverse society? C) securitization of risk. 627 0 obj <>stream Industry observers say primary companies are increasingly integrating cat bonds into their core reinsurance programs as a way to diversify and increase flexibility. Arm yourself with what you need to know to keep your assets and your family safe. Which of the following statements about claims settlement is true? Reinsurers that are not licensed in the U.S., often referred to as alien or offshore companies, must post 100% collateral to secure the transaction, unless they are a Certified Reinsurer or a Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer. Cession refers to the portions of obligations in an insurance company's policy portfolio that are transferred to a reinsurer. The reason is because many property insurance policies feature exclusions for coverage if a This protection can best be obtained using a(n) The Pool, as the "ceding insurer", may insurance pursuant to N.Y. Ins. A) general agent. If the reinsurer fails to pay the claims passed on by the ceding company, the ceding company is once again responsible for settling them. In a reinsurance transaction, the ceding commission is paid by Sr. Accounting and Reinsurance Policy Advisor 0000002652 00000 n ROLE PURPOSE: Responsible for the assisting in the development and formulation of the underwriting strategy for Al Koot, based on which the underwriting policies, procedures . A) Funds for these investments are derived primarily from premium income, investment earnings, and maturing investments that must be reinvested. Reinsurance can help insurers pay out claims during disasters like hurricanes and wildfires. the issue that the group self-insurers would be operating in a way analogous to a D) company adjustor. Primary insurance kicks in first with its coverage even if there are other insurance policies. Reinsurance is an arrangement by which an insurance company transfers all or a portion of its risk under a contract (or contracts) of insurance to another company. C) information systems After Hurricane Andrew hit Southern Florida in 1992, causing $15.5 billion in insured losses at the time, it became clear that U.S. insurers had seriously underestimated the extent of their liability for property losses in a megadisaster. xb```f``Z @1V n8qKkX03zfZF.e.e]y?Dr)i. No of resources : 1. and reporting requirements for individual self-insured employers. Increasingly, new products reflect a gradual blending of reinsurance and investment banking. If a catastrophic earthquake occurs, PCI does not have to repay the full amount borrowed or pay interest. B) surplus-share reinsurance treaty. "Reinsurance: Fundamentals and New Challenges," Insurance Information Institute, 2004. Adresse : 94 Rue Lon Marlot 59100 ROUBAIX - Tlphone : To avoid depleting its resources on future claims, an insurance company may share or pass some risks it has taken to a reinsurance company. Insurers obtain data that can be used to determine rates from. ) Which of the following statements about underwriting standards is (are) true? individual employer/member shifts its risk to the Pool, and the Pool spreads the risks of %%EOF Insurance is a highly regulated industry, which requires insurance companies to write certain semi-standardized policies and maintain sufficient capital as collateral against losses. The reduction in these two accounts is commensurate with the payments that can be recovered from reinsurers, known as recoverables. 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