I have had the Crystalens implants November 2014, and have suffered sever inflammation ever since. Of course they cost $600. Needless to say, I am very sorry that I paid $4700 for the Crystalens lenses. At first computer distance was perfect and near vision was acceptable but far was still myopic. Hi Sue, I live in California and have Health Net Insurance, which is Medicare Advantage Program. On the other and, I arrived home feeling excruciating pain in the eye he worked on. Could hardly see at night to drive and no amount of correction could make up for the cloudiness in my lens. I occasionally see flashes out my sides. Each visit I was told I am not producing any tears, I never had a problem with tears or pollen until this procedure! This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. Anteriorly flexed Crystalens. I have done everything this Dr. told me to do, trust me I was excited to have the procedure and would have loved not having to go back to Dr.! When I told him I couldn't see closeup, he said the doctor could touch it up. After getting the first eye done I had 20x20 distance vision but very poor accommodation for close up reading. This is my second complaint and I have not heard anything. Save your money and don't listen to the professionals who are probably getting paid to push the Crystalens. Reading vision improved yay no reading classes woohoo lasted about 10 months back to using reading classes. As far as halo's they improved some but they are still there sodium vapor lights (yellowish street lights) are bad as they were after the surgery! Had a cataract surgery. So, what is the failure ratio of surgery using Cristalens implants ? I had Crystalens implant in my right eye in 2009. Im 2016 had it implanted. She cares for my father who has had three strokes, and all of this has complicated things. My wife came out of there seeing much better. That would not have been possible if I had dry eyes. I do see halos and feel like I have I contact lenses on. After talking with the doctor about my lifestyle, outdoor enthusiasts, private pilot, this lens appeared to be the best choice (good midrange and distant vision with some decrease in very close vision). I had good reading vision for about 6 months did all the eye exercises. I will not go back to Dr. * in Charlotte! I had 20/20 distance and close up were getting bad to the point I was wearing cheaters with 200/225 lenses. Couldn't believe how well they worked. I do not have nor have I ever had dry eyes. I lready had two lazer correction surgeries in the left eye and getting ready to get a second lazer surgery on my right eye. I too had crystalens sales pitch, they won!! 2:19-cv-10658-DSF-SK, in the U.S. District Court for the Also, eye technology is still growing, and a few mishaps may be a required step for research to go forward, and try to develop better products for the far future. JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE AND GET A BASIC LENS! I will back to this site to see if we have a number of people who agree with me.Jackie. After two years it is totally unbearable to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes. I am so miserable to be suddenly almost blind. I have not had any problem with up-close vision, but my distance vision has become very bad, especially at night or in any area where there isn't good lighting. Your password has been sent to the specified email address. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes 15 months ago. In other words, his work was done. That is what I heard from the "assistant". Some days worse than others and am not able to function normally. My saga continues! I am starting to feel that the Crystalens is another way for the Eye Dr. to make big money since they get paid almost nothing from insurance and medicare. My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! I was shocked to learn about the miracle lenses--not paid for my Medicare--hat I could buy-- I thought I was just getting regular Medicare cataract operation--I was sold on the CrystaLens--she told me that I would have full vision the lens adjusts for distance-computer reading and for reading-- and I MIGHT need glasses--AT NIGHT--Reading a Menue--in a dark restaurant-- if I got both eyes fixed with these miracle lenses. I wish I had taken action that first year against the doctor and lense manufacturer. Really research your doctor, go to more than one, feel comfortable, if you get a bad vibe, leave. She has been losing a great deal of weight, complains that everything she eats burns, her eyes are always pinkish, is weak, feels light-headed and is afraid to drive for fear of fainting. Another example to help you understand what I am dealing with (2) as if there is a Vaseline film over both eyes and it never clears up (3) during pollen it is miserable, feels like dust has been blown in my eye and last for weeks! She found a new eye doctor that helped her report her old one. It was OK to see far for just a bit could not read at all but then I ended up losing eye sight completely one day when I woke up to nothing but fog. Sheila. Seriously ruined my life. Serial No. All becomes blurry. Well, I found out that he didn't, because she became worried from too many folks having problems with their Crystalens. You may hear Dr. Santamaria on this radio interview: https://youtu.be/YElRT6h7Kwc. I'm disappointed in my opthalmologist whom has now turned me over to "the best" as he referred him. WebA new class-action lawsuit has been filed in Delaware over alleged recurring problems with the starter motor found in the 2010-present Chevrolet Camaro coupe. I have had severe persistent dry eyes since the surgery. Glasses are a way of life after wearing contacts for years. $$$$$$$$$ I have spent so much money out of pocket it's rediculous. By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. My mother is with you. And if this all fails then he will change both to far 6 weeks later. Let me know about the lawsuit..I would love to join in! I've been beating myself up cause it was completely elective. 250 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10013-1413 . Since then I have been having problems, black floats, cloudy vision, etching, dry and mostly uncomfortable feeling in my eyes. I had both eyes done as an optional remedy for cataracts. I still need the same reading glasses! I'm not accusing, but would like to know if the lack of experience of the surgeons has led to these complications. jefields. Post-op follow up was turned over to an optometrist. All I saw were posters of Florence Henderson advertising Crystalens in every room of the office. Very worry about losing more vision I already have the laser done on both eyes and instead getting better it got worse, don't know what to do. It was in instant relief and all I could do was cry from relief that it did not hurt and I could see far again. I had my left eye done in 2018 and it ruined my vision, told eye dr. I really thought it was the way to go after cataract surgery at 59, never having to wear glasses again. One close, one distance. I am a competitive Table Tennis player and have lost my ability to see depth (so no accommodation here). They put a plain lens in and because of damage from the previous Crystalens they had to use a ZAG laser on my eye to reduce the fogging left over. Back to Walgreens for readers and continue to pay my $8000 bill? Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players, Class 2 Device Recall Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens. Cost is $2500 for two eyes. So far, the plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit have lost one court battle and one motion. oh if anyone has restor please let me know how you like them! Using both eyes makes me dizzy! I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. Finally, he saw me there that evening, applied some drops on my eye and send me home without any improvement of my pain. Totally disappointed with the misrepresentation. Everyone said it was not the lenses because they had never seen lenses cause this type of problem. The plaintiffs also alleged that asymmetric vaulting, known as Z-Syndrome, is a post-operative complication unique to the Trulign and Crystalens lenses, that the I've had a visceral tear, which I was told is common with Crystalense, and have floaters all the time in one eyes. Can't read only an arm length and always have to have reading glasses with me! Bausch and Lomb ended up getting a hold of a few other doctors to help fix the Z-Syndrome because the Dr. that put it in could not fix the lens, which took about another week of pain and not seeing. What the heck was that plan when they were supposed to "accommodate"?? I can not wait to go to bed so my eyes will be closed and I do not have to deal with it. My eyes have adapted to the lens and Im able to focus, distant or near just like with my young eyes. I am 43 and I am afraid of my future. WebA class - action lawsuit alleges that Apple Watches have a design defect that poses a serious risk to consumers. I've lost the ability to do so much. I need to were sunglasses at work and all the time outside as the light will make my eyes burn. If I don't look at a computer or phone. (1) Severe astimatism isn't a good candidate, but that was overlooked. WebIn general, prosecuting attorneys involved in class action lawsuits will receive payment for legal work upon conclusion of a victorious case.. 1 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold defective earplugs, but this only reimbursed the government.. A group of people that has suffered the same or similar injuries can collectively file one lawsuit Also, the advent of accommodative IOLs, mainly the Crystalens in the United States, introduced yet another possible scenario for explantation. I have NO DISTANCE in my Crystalens left eye and I paid $3,400 for this--WARNING--DO NOT GET SOLD on this Crystalens! I went to the supposedly best eye institute in Florida, and I have been screwed!!! Thanks doctor your an idiot! I am crossing my fingers for the October appointment but have my doubts. I am 65 years old--I thought possibly 20 years of wonderful vision-- NO GLASSES (dark restaurants only--readers). Totally disappointed. Tried to give complaints description as everyone before me as stated however told my email not corrected. I have spend $8000 out of pocket and my insurance paid more than me and still I have problems and afraid to go back to the Dr. Office and still have to buy those expensive eye drops. I never have had the halos, thank goodness. They made one eye close up and one eye for distance. The goal for the whole operation was to fly IFR in my plane without flipping glasses up and down trying to read the instruments on the dashboard of the plane not even close! Now he tell me I will have to wear them all the time. Our feeling all along has been that either the lenses or the eye drops caused neurological problems. No waist your money or chance of complications on this procedure. My experience was exactly the opposite. Unfortunately, it's just a business, an upsell, like leather seats on a car, if you have money to burn go for it since the results in most cases aren't worse, but not really better either, just the card in my wallet says I spent more money than you did, what a sad badge of honor. Still no movement in the Crystalens and so much surgery done that there seems no chance of getting rid of the Crystalens! So am I just to live my life as I go blind because of the horrible lenses that should NEVER have been put on the market????? Don't waste your money on Crystalens. I agreed and am massively disatisfied. I could not see them well enough to identify them So made some guesses and they said good enough. Three weeks after surgery I was back in his office with complaint of vision worsening. They gave me the run around until the statute of limitations ran out. I had problems from the start. I got mono vision(recommended by doctor) and it sucks just as bad as what you all are saying. I flew to Oklahoma City from Denver to spend a month helping her and talking with specialists. Second did you ever find a lawyer for a class action suit because I will be glad to join in. My doc had a B&L doc there for the laser treatments, and they both were nice. She has been unable to sleep since the implants were put in. Did you get message just now re: the fact that I learned of recall and class action. They were rimless, I had another pair previously and had never had a problem with their fitting, but they couldn't put their lenses in my old frames.